|Terkini dari milan|

1. Amihana: Nilai Sekeping Hati 56 was the last post. New entry? Ntahla... (- . -')
2. SUS - dihentikan untuk seketika.
3. ABB - sedang dirombak. Progress may be updated.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thought that counts

Mumbling o milanhawkin at 3:06 PM
Dear readers,

To have a cherished life, is a gift, don't we agree?
To have someone to love and care, is also a gift, isn't that correct?
To be able to have your significant other, is just a bless, am I rite?

We constantly looking for something to hold on to. We continuously finding the joy of life and love. It's true, it is a human traits. It is something deeper than the sea, higher than the sky that we want to own. Something soulful, and spiritual. Something that will always feed our fragile soul. Something that stays even when death become us.

In my lonely hours, I sometimes keep wondering, is this the correct path that I am now getting a pair of tired feet? Is this what I want in life? Is this what I am destined for? There were too many answers crossed my mind, and till now, I can never hold on to any of them. I was kept wondering...

p/s: I am, at this moment, terribly CONFUSED.

1 demented soul(s):

See Me Through said...

same a nge aku.. makin ari makin confused..


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